T-33 Shooting Star


  • Crew: 2
  • Length: 37 ft 8 in
  • Wingspan: 37 ft 6 in
  • Powerplant: 1 × Allison J-33-A/4 turbojet
  • 5,200 lb.s of thrust
  • Maximum speed: 525 mph
  • Rated cruise speed: 455 mph
  • Range: 1,000 mi
  • Service ceiling: 46,800 ft


The Lockheed T-33 Shooting Star is an American subsonic jet trainer first flown in 1948. It was developed from the Lockheed P-80/F-80 by lengthening the fuselage by slightly more than 3 feet and adding a second seat, instrumentation, and flight controls. Design work on the Lockheed P-80 began in 1943, with the first flight in January 1944. Following on the Bell P-59, the P-80 became the first jet fighter to enter full squadron service in the United States Army Air Forces. As more advanced jets entered service, the F-80 took on another role—training jet pilots. The two-place T-33 jet was designed for training pilots already qualified to fly propeller-driven aircraft.

Our T-33 taken by the USAF sometime in 1951 with s/n 51-4033 . After a decade of service, it was adopted by the US Navy. After being retired from the service, it became part of Planes of Fame museum in Chino, CA, during which it served as a pace plane at the Reno Air Races for many years. In 2011, it became part of our collection.


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  • Passengers who cannot board the aircraft without assistance will not fly. You must be capable of climbing and descending the equivalent of a standard ladder.
  • The physical restrictions for all planes (other than the C-47) are: 6’5,” and 250 lbs. or smaller.
  • All passengers are required to complete a Participant Release.
  • Passengers who cannot board the aircraft without assistance will not fly. If you are in a wheelchair or motorized scooter, unfortunately, that includes you as well.
  • Large backpacks, shoulder bags, duffel bags, tripods or other bulky items are NOT permitted on the aircraft.
  • No animals are permitted on the aircraft
  • NO Firearms, Pepper or Chemical Sprays, Stun Devices or weapons of any kind are permitted on the aircraft.
  • Passengers must be 13 years of age or older. Minors who fly (age 13-17) must have their parent or guardian complete a Participant Release for Minors. The parent or guardian must be present for the flight.
  • No smoking and no vaping devices are allowed on any of our aircraft.
  • No portable oxygen assistance devices are permitted.
  • Flights may be canceled due to weather, mechanical, or crew availability.

If you have questions or concerns, please email
 [email protected]