MIG 29 – Warbird Wednesday Episode #103

Welcome to Warbird Wednesday! Today, we are pausing the x-planes series and visiting the concept of the “Ghost of Kyiv” and the MIG 29 – NATO code name Fulcrum. Could the Ghost be terrorizing the Russian Air Force? Join us as we take a look at the current battlefield and MIG 29. The Fulcrum, a […]

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Kyushu J7W Shinden – Warbird Wednesday Episode #102

Welcome to Warbird Wednesday! Today, we’re visiting a WWII Japanese prototype land-based fighter, the Kyushu J7W Shinden. The Kyushu J7W was designed to go after strategic bombers with a 18 cylinder engine, four forward-firing 30 mm cannons and top speed of 470 mph. The aircrafts canard-based design was due to Lieutenant Commander Masayoshi Tsuruno belief […]

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FI 282 – Warbird Wednesday Episode #101

Welcome to Warbird Wednesday! Today, we’re visiting the world’s first series production helicopter, the FI 282. Produced by Anton Flettner, the FI 282 was a single-seat rotor helicopter that flew throughout WWII. The German Navy used it for observation of their ship and the engine had a service ratio of 400 hours.  

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“The Movie” Memphis Belle – Warbird Wednesday Episode #100

Welcome to Warbird Wednesday! Today we’re visiting a famed and beloved B-17 Flying Fortress, Movie Memphis Belle. This iconic aircraft was converted from an G model to a F model to be used in the 1990 featured film Memphis Belle. Learn about the Tallichet family and future plans for Movie Memphis Belle at the Palm […]

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Potez 630 – Warbird Wednesday Episode #99

Welcome to Warbird Wednesday! Today, we’re visiting a multi-mission French airplane, the Potez 630. The design of this aircraft stemmed from the French’s need for a heavy fighter, night fighter, light bomber and a reconnaissance aircraft all in one aircraft. Sadly, the Potez 630 didn’t hold up well in combat and became know as a […]

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M S 406 – Warbird Wednesday Episode #98

Welcome to Warbird Wednesday! Today, we’re visiting the most numerous French fighter of WWII, the M S 406. This fighter was one of only two French aircraft that could go past 250 mph. Unfortunately, it was about 50-70 mph slower than it’s counterpart opponents in the Battle of France. The M S 406 was later […]

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LeO 451 – Warbird Wednesday Episode #97

Welcome to Warbird Wednesday! Today, we’re visiting a twin-engine medium bomber used by the French during WWII, the LeO 451. This aircraft was extremely maneuverable, speedy and would come in fast and very low during bomb attacks. The LeO 451 was used in the Battle of France and in the conflict with Italy. The LeO […]

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Dewoitine D.520 – Warbird Wednesday Episode #96

Welcome to Warbird Wednesday! Today, we’re visiting a French fighter aircraft that flew for the Allies during WWII, the Dewoitine D.520. In a re-arming effort across the globe, the D.520 was built around a 20mm cannon. The aircraft had superior maneuverability against the German ME 109. The D.520 saw combat in North Africa, Bulgaria, and […]

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Fairey Swordfish – Warbird Wednesday Episode #95

Welcome to Warbird Wednesday! Today, we’re visiting a 3 person bi-plane flown by the Royal Navy during WWII, the Fairey Swordfish. This naval aircraft was designed for the dual roles of torpedo bomber and aerial reconnaissance. Despite being obsolete by 1939, the Swordfish sunk a greater amount of tonnage of Axis shipping than any other […]

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Hawker Hurricane – Warbird Wednesday Episode #94

Welcome to Warbird Wednesday! Today, we’re visiting another British aircraft, the Hawker Hurricane. The Hurricane was durable and tough, and it could be serviced by squadrons in the field without external support. An interesting thing about this airplane is that it was launched from catapults off of ships.  

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Avro Lancaster – Warbird Wednesday Episode #93

Welcome to Warbird Wednesday! Today, we’re visiting a strategic British heavy bomber of WWII, the Avro Lancaster. With it’s 33-foot bomb bay, the Lancaster could carry a wide range of bomb loads and carried the largest payload of any bomber during the war. This aircraft later became used for night-time bombing and area bombing.  

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Westland Lysander – Warbird Wednesday Episode #92

Welcome to Warbird Wednesday! Today, we’re visiting a British army co-operation and liaison aircraft, the Westland Lysander. The Lysander was mostly used in clandestine missions to recover agents from occupied Europe during WWII. In 1940s, the  Canadian’s pressed this aircraft into service as fighters in the Battle of Britain.   

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IL-2 Sturmovik – Warbird Wednesday Episode #91

Welcome to Warbird Wednesday! Today, we’re visiting the grandfather of all ground attack aircraft, the IL-2 Sturmovik. This aircraft played a crucial part in the Eastern Front during WWII and Stalin has been quoted that the IL-2’s were as essential to the Red Army as bread. Known with many nickname including the hunchback, Bark, and […]

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Polikarpov I-16 – Warbird Wednesday Episode #90

Welcome to Warbird Wednesday! Today, we’re visiting the world’s first low-wing monoplane fighter with retractable landing gear, the Polikarpov I-16. This Soviet aircraft was a revolutionary design that saw combat in the Spanish Civil War, in China, and the Winter War.

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Tupolev ANT-40 – Warbird Wednesday Episode #89

Welcome to Warbird Wednesday! Today, we’re visiting a medium bomber, the Tupolev ANT-40. This Soviet aircraft was numerically one of the most important bombers in the world in the late 1930s. The Tupolev ANT-40 was a prolific airplane fighting in the Spanish Civil War, China, Mongolia, the Winter War, and the Eastern Front.

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MiG-3 – Warbird Wednesday Episode #88

Welcome to Warbird Wednesday! Today, we’re visiting a well-armed Soviet aircraft, the MiG-3. The MiG-3 was a fighter and interceptor used during WWII that was quick and designed for high altitude. However, most of the combat over the Eastern Front generally took place in lower altitudes causing the aircraft to lose its speed advantage and […]

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Breda Ba.88 Lince – Warbird Wednesday Episode #87

Welcome to Warbird Wednesday! Today, we’re visiting an Italian ground-attack aircraft, the Breda Ba.88 Lince. This aircraft is known for being one of the most spectacular failures of a production aircraft in WWII. Despite these challenges, the Ba.88 set multiple world speed records.

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Cant Z 506 – Warbird Wednesday Episode #86

Welcome to Warbird Wednesday! Today, we’re visiting an air-sea rescue plane, the Cant Z 506. This Italian floatplane set several different aircraft records from 1936-1938 and had remarkable speed. This search and rescue plane was important during the fighting of Greece, the Italian Peninsula, and in North Africa.

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Savoia-Marchetti SM.79 – Warbird Wednesday Episode #85

Welcome to Warbird Wednesday! Today, we’re visiting one of the fastest medium bombers during its time, the Savoia-Marchetti SM.79. This Italian aircraft set 26 world records from 1937 to 1939. The SM.79 did not need to fly with fighters during the Spanish Civil War because of its high speeds. The airplane was later modified as […]

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MC 202 Folgore – Warbird Wednesday Episode #84

Welcome to Warbird Wednesday! Today, we’re visiting one of the best fighters that you probably have never heard of, the Macchi 202 Folgore. The Folgore flew for the Royal Italian Air force in WWII and its name meant thunderbolt in Italian. This aircraft fought in Malta, North Africa, and on the eastern front, where it […]

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G4M Betty – Warbird Wednesday Episode #83

Welcome to Warbird Wednesday! Today, we’re visiting a rare Japanese aircraft, the G4M Betty. This medium land-based bomber was fast and maneuverable with a stinger in the tail. Betty was the name given to this aircraft by the Allies during WWII, but they also nicknamed it “Zippo”, meaning the flying lighter, because it was so […]

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Nakajima B5N Kate – Warbird Wednesday Episode #82

Welcome to Warbird Wednesday! Today, we’re visiting carrier-based torpedo bomber, the Nakajima B5N “Kate”. The Imperial Japanese Navy aircraft was a weapon system that carried the Type 91 torpedo which was one of the most effective arial torpedo in the world during WWII.  The “Kate” fought in the battles of Pearl Harbor and Midway.   

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Aichi D3A Val – Warbird Wednesday Episode #81

Welcome to Warbird Wednesday! Today, we’re visiting another Japanese Navy aircraft used during WWII, the Aichi D3A Val. This dive bomber was the most dangerous weapon against capital ships and was unstoppable once they went into attack mode. This high G bomber sank more Allied warships than another axis aircraft in WWII.

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A6M Zero – Warbird Wednesday Episode #80

Welcome to Warbird Wednesday! Today, we’re visiting a Japanese Navy fighter used during WWII, the A6M Zero. Nicknamed “Zeke” the Zero was designed to be highly maneuverable making it a lethal weapon for its time. This aircraft instilled the design philosophy that fighters didn’t have to be the fastest planes in the air, but maneuverability […]

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ME-109 – Warbird Wednesday Episode #79

Welcome to Warbird Wednesday! Today, we’re visiting one of the most recognizable and most produced fighters in the world, the Me-109. This aircraft has been nicknamed the “skinny one” by the Soviets and the Messer by the Germans. It was the backbone of the German fighter forces and out-classed every fighter in the air during […]

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JU-87 Stuka – Warbird Wednesday Episode #78

Welcome to Warbird Wednesday! Today, we’re visiting a German dive-bomber, the JU-87 Stuka. This ground-attack aircraft was notorious for its wailing sirens attached to the gull wings that would become known as “sirens of death”. The Germans used the Stuka as a terror weapon during the Spanish Civil War and the early parts of WWII […]

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FW 190 – Warbird Wednesday Episode #77

Welcome to Warbird Wednesday! Today, we’re visiting another aircraft that flew during WWII known as the “Butcher Bird” by its German pilots. This prolific “interceptor” the FW 190 had many unique engining innovations, offered different variations, and was used widely over the skies of Europe.

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ME-262 – Warbird Wednesday Episode #76

Welcome to Warbird Wednesday! Today, we’re visiting the world’s first combat operational jet-powered aircraft, the ME-262. This is one of the most famous German fighters from WWII. The ME-262 initially encountered many technical hurdles that directly impacted its design. Despite these challenges, the ME-262 was a superior plane for its time. The ME-262 holds tremendous […]

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Junkers JU 388 – Warbird Wednesday Episode #75

Welcome to Warbird Wednesday! Today, we’re visiting a highly engineered German aircraft used during WWII; the Junkers JU 388. This aircraft was based on the JU 88 design which had twin engines and fit a crew of three. The JU 88 was the backbone of the German Airforce used for lightning war and was a […]

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AT-6D Texan – Warbird Wednesday Episode #74

Welcome to Warbird Wednesday! Today, we’re visiting the AT-6D Texan with a historic and authentic WWII paint job. Heave Ho was the nose art for a T-6 that operated in the European Theater of Operations during WWII. This vintage airplane was built in Dallas, TX in 1944 and was later transitioned into a training plane. […]

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